Dec 12 2021 2021-2022 Fur Prices Forecast: LOW is the Norm
To put things bluntly, it’s going to be a really tough season for the fur market, and low prices will be the norm for most species. I hope I’m proven wrong, I really do. -
Mar 04 2019 Farmers and trappers say limiting animal trapping threatens a way of life
I just think the tide has turned. There are too many people out there on those public lands, and it’s like we’re walking through a minefield. -
Oct 20 2018 Wildlife Governance Reform: Where to Begin
In recent years it has become increasingly obvious that state wildlife governance needs significant reform – in all states, some more than others. -
Jun 26 2018 Female Bobcat caught in trap
This is a key example of Wyoming wildlife "management", or lack of. Unlimited quotas, 3 days to 1-week trap checks causing extreme pain and suffering. -
Jun 01 2018 2018 Fur Prices: NAFA May Fur Auction Results
Western bobcats have gorgeous spotted bellies which are preferred for commercial trade to foreign countries.