Dec 12 2021 2021-2022 Fur Prices Forecast: LOW is the Norm
To put things bluntly, it’s going to be a really tough season for the fur market, and low prices will be the norm for most species. I hope I’m proven wrong, I really do. -
Feb 03 2021 Trapping laws on public lands ineffective
Since mid-November, six dogs became entangled in neck snares or held in terror by foot-hold traps. Six cases in an eight-week period. If we broaden the time frame to include February 2020, less than 12 months ago, we can add another. Except for one, all were on public land and at least half set illegally. -
Mar 04 2019 Farmers and trappers say limiting animal trapping threatens a way of life
I just think the tide has turned. There are too many people out there on those public lands, and it’s like we’re walking through a minefield. -
Dec 14 2018 Three dogs snared in Sweetwater County, WY
One Great Pyrenees was killed and two others were injured by illegal coyote snares set in central Sweetwater County. -
Oct 20 2018 Wildlife Governance Reform: Where to Begin
In recent years it has become increasingly obvious that state wildlife governance needs significant reform – in all states, some more than others.