Jan 02 2025 New Pika Research Suggests Snowpack Could Be Top Predictor For Occurrence
Newly released research on American pikas suggests that, although average summer-long temperatures still strongly predict where pikas do versus do not currently occur, chronically cold temperatures in winter and retention of snowpack best predict patterns of pika occurrence. -
Aug 02 2017 Wolf Ruling May Sway Griz Case
After court decision on Great Lakes wolf delisting, conservationists say their legal claims are bolstered. -
May 19 2016 Blondie and the Song Dog
This image speaks a thousand words. Our coyotes are one of the most persecuted animals in Wyoming, and our iconic grizzlies may soon be hunted for fun and trophies. If animals can get it right, why can't we? -
Nov 04 2014 Center for Biological Diversity Launches Lawsuit to Protect Rare Northern Rockies Fisher
The Fisher faces threats from logging, incidental trapping, and road building. -
Sep 23 2014 Federal Judge Reinstates Federal Protections for Wyoming Wolves!
Federal protections for gray wolves in Wyoming were reinstated today after a judge invalidated the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) 2012 statewide Endangered Species Act delisting of the species.
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