Jun 01 2018 2018 Fur Prices: NAFA May Fur Auction Results
Western bobcats have gorgeous spotted bellies which are preferred for commercial trade to foreign countries. -
Jan 15 2018 The Story of a River Otter Found Dead in a Snare
Naturalist Susan Marsh says it is time that society had an adult conversation about the impact of fur trapping. -
Oct 24 2017 Almost a Conversation
Sometimes he comes close. I admire his whiskers and his dark fur which I would rather die than wear. -
Mar 15 2017 Two Men Charged With Setting Hundreds of Illegal Traps in Minnesota
Reports of a dead wolf caught by a snare led officials to discover over 600 illegals snares set by two men. -
Dec 27 2016 Fur Prices Remain Low, Meaning Most People Trapping for “Fun”
Fur prices remain low making trapping a difficult way to make a living.