Nov 06 2017 Low Fur Prices Discourage WV Trappers
When fur prices are down, many trappers don’t find the low payoff worth the effort it takes to run a beaver trap line. -
Jul 26 2016 Pennsylvania Game Commissioners Approve Reclassifying the Porcupine as a Furbearer
The Pennsylvania Game Commissioners gave final approval to classifying the porcupine as a furbearer. -
Oct 14 2015 Have You Seen an American Marten?
Have you seen an American Marten? It's furbearer trapping season in Wyoming, with unlimited quotas on these little weasels. This beautiful marten, photo by Tim Auer, was captured by camera in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, a safe haven from trapping. Read on for fascinating details.... -
Oct 01 2014 Bobcat Discovered Dragging a Leghold Trap
On Jan 1, 2014, a bobcat was discovered dragging a foothold trap. Here is the story of this New Year's Day bobcat incident, shared with us by photojournalist and Wyoming resident Kathy Lichtendahl. -
Aug 27 2014