ACTION ALERT: Our Voices Must Be Heard
Your Voice Matters Now
Urge Wildlife Management Decision-Makers To Take Action!
In Wyoming, it is illegal to possess a live wolf, but it is legal to torture it to death in any manner, even with a snowmobile. This is unconscionable!Photo: Cody Roberts poses with the wolf tortured for hours: run over by a snowmobile, mouth taped shut, dragged to a bar for bragging rights, and more torture before being shot behind the bar.
. change Wyoming’s cruelty laws to protect ALL wildlife
. prohibit snowmobiles from running over any wildlife
The Horrific Details
A man chased down a wolf on his snowmobile on February 29 and captured the wolf in his possession. The man reportedly ran over the wolf with a snowmobile, then proceeded to tape its mouth shut, bring the animal to a home and local bar where it was tortured and tormented, and then kill the wolf out behind the bar hours later in the evening. We hate to imagine the details of what this poor animal went through in its final moments of life. The hate and cruelty here is unfathomable. And for what? The man’s only charge was a $250 fine for possessing a live wolf. This situation directly reflects the dire need for federal protection of these animals and new laws that require the maximum felony penalties.
This behavior is not uncommon in our state. In 2019, a Wyoming snowmobiler filmed himself running over a coyote several times to finish it off. While filming, the driver picked up the coyote by the tail and beat it on his snowmobile. The public was outraged, which led to a draft bill submitted for legislative action to end running over predatory animals with snowmobiles. The bill did not make it to a committee but moved through an interim legislative process. It once again died. Every legislator was sent a copy of the video showing the action but refused to support change, stating that it was a slippery slope. We, along with our partners, will submit another draft bill for consideration this year. Warning: Graphic video of snowmobile killing.
Take Action By Submitting Your Public Comment Now
Please politely reach out to the following contacts and request that the legality of alleged torture of a wild animal begs for answers as to what changes will be made to prevent such brutal and inhumane acts of animal cruelty in the future.
Also, please consider attending the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission meeting in person or virtually to make a public comment on April 17, 2024, in Riverton. You must send in your online comment form by noon on Friday, April 12.
Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Director: Brian Nesvik
Governor Mark Gordon
Wyoming Game and Fish Commission
Vice President:
Wyoming Game and Fish Commission
Public Meeting on April 16-17, 2024
Holiday Inn, 900 East Sunset Dr., Casper, WY
In-person and via Zoom videoconferencing.
View agenda »
Trapping Reform & Wolf Public Comment on Wednesday, April 17
Agenda Item #9 Trapping Reform
Presenter: Jason Hunter, Lander Wildlife Supervisor, Wildlife Division.
Update on Trapping.
60 minutes. 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Agenda Item #17 Wolf Public Comment
Comments will include the recent torture and killing of a gray wolf.
12:30 p.m.
We need YOU to show up with hundreds of public comments at the meeting! To comment on agenda item #9 or #17 via Zoom, you must submit an Advanced Comment Form to by noon on Friday, April 12!
1) Scroll to the bottom of the agenda,
2) Fill out the Advanced Comment Form
3) Screen shot and email to
How to submit an effective public comment:
Amy Benson
It’s time for the wildlife management decision-makers to take action:
-harsh penalties for perpetrators who torture animals
. provide federal protections for wolves
. change Wyoming’s cruelty laws to protect ALL wildlife
. prohibit snowmobiles from running over any wildlife
– get rid of outdated trapping and trophy killing
-get rid of gas chambers as a way to euthanize animals in kill shelters
Is it too late to submit a comment?
The events in Daniel Wy should be considered a hate crime against animals. Legislation to stop people from running down animal with snow machines is needed NOW. I plan to boycott Wyoming until wildlife is protected and will encourage everyone else in Colorado and Texas to do the same.
Wyoming Untrapped
You can send a message to the WGF Commissioners any time, as well as to the WGFD. Thank you!
I’m calling to express my deep concern over the recent incident where a wolf was chased by a snowmobile, run over and injured, and then publicly paraded and tortured before being killed by Cody Roberts.
This unethical and brutal display of animal cruelty was met with a mere $250 penalty, tarnishing the reputation of the state of Wyoming. The $250 penalty for Mr. Roberts’ inhumane treatment of a wild animal is not sufficient— and he must be charged with animal cruelty to ensure that justice is served, and to set the precedent that these heinous acts will be met with harsh consequences.
I also strongly urge you to support legislative action to ban wolf & coyote “whacking.” The use of snowmobiles and other motorized vehicles to chase and down and kill wolves and coyotes goes far beyond practices of fair-chase and is purely cruel and inhuman; it must end. Please take action to ensure this never happens again. Thank you.
Wyoming Untrapped
Thanks for sharing your comment! We are working as hard as we can to achieve a wildlife management shift to value and protect all Wyoming wildlife.
Teresa Rentner
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Well, United States of America, and most especially, the wild and beautiful state of Wyoming that calls itself the equality state, the world’s eyes are on you. In 1869, you were the first state to grant women the right to vote. You did what was morally right. What happened to you, Wyoming? When did you pivot and become the state that runs down our beloved wildlife with snowmobiles? When did it become morally okay to torture innocent and helpless animals?
PLEASE, Wyoming, live up to your historical reputation. Do the right thing, the moral thing, do something to prevent this outrageous behavior!
Laurie Dallos
I am so horrified by this act of barbaric cruelty I cannot believe Wyoming, a state that cherishes wildlife and reveres wolves can allow Cody Roberts to grin while torturing a beautiful animal like he’s some kind of hero! It makes me sick to my stomach that this idiot isn’t behind bars and he’s roaming the streets free to do this again. I think his face should be posted on every social media platform that exists so that the world can know what a monster looks like. The worst kind of human is a sadistic one that tortures a helpless creatures. He probably tortures animals as a regular part of his daily routine when he’s not chasing year old wolves down with his snow mobile. Is this what we want wandering our streets? Ewwwwww!
James Simmons
All animals are God’s creatures. They are not on this earth to torture and inhumane kill. I am so hurt when I learn of these types of treatments of our animals. Please, if you’re involved in this type of treatment of our animals, stop it at once. If you’re Government officials who are duty bound to protect our wildlife from these inhumane treatments and deaths, do your Job please. I have two dogs and pet birds. I give them so much love and I return, they shows their love to me . God is watching!