GOOD NEWS! New trapping reform bills: SF139 - Setbacks on public trails statewide and SF140 - Trapper education requirements
Join WU in asking your legislators to pass solutions for conflict on our public trails.

Your Voice Matters Now
Help Stop Tragic Animal Injuries and Death Caused by Trapping in Wyoming
Trapping injuries and death continue on our public trails.Join WU in asking your legislators to pass SF139-Trapping setback requirements and SF140-Trapping education requirements
In honor of the 100+ dogs that have recently lost their lives to traps and snares in Wyoming, please politely reach out to the following and request that Wyoming implement the following solutions to conflicts on our public trails.
Trapping requirements-licenses, seasons and setbacks.
AN ACT relating to game and fish; authorizing the Wyoming game and fish commission to promulgate rules to establish trap setback specifications; repealing an obsolete provision; requiring rulemaking; and providing for effective dates.
Trapping education requirements.
AN ACT relating to game and fish; requiring any person born on or after January 1, 2000 to obtain a certificate of trapping education to be qualified to trap wildlife; providing for a person to receive special authorization to trap or snare wildlife when accompanied by a qualified mentor as specified; making conforming amendments; requiring rulemaking; and providing for effective dates.
WYOMING friends, photographers, biologists, scientists, hunters, birders, wildlife watchers, fishermen, fisherwomen, teachers, leaders, and landowners!
1) Everyone has a reasonable expectation of safety on our public trails.
2) As our public lands continue to experience a heavy increase in public recreation, traps and trails don’t mix. People’s and pets’ safety is being compromised when there are solutions to help prevent conflict.
3) The public has worked extensively to move trapping reform forward with meetings, collaboration, compromise, and win-win solutions for trapping conflicts on our public lands.
Wyoming Legislators