Trial Date Set for Trappers After Killing an Eight Year Old Yellow Lab
NEW YORK — Trial date set for trappers who set a trap that killed a dog. We will keep you updated on this case as it progresses.
Town Justice Donald Greule set a trial date of Aug. 12 after he denied a motion Friday to dismiss the charges against James Brown and Clint Moosman. Brown and Moosman are accused of setting a trap that killed an 8-year-old yellow Lab, Molly Rose. She was being walked on a leash by her owner, Laurena Jensen, when a trap was triggered around the dog’s neck.”
DEC officers later charged Brown and Moosman with violations after finding about 10 more illegal traps around the fence in the towns of Romulus and Varick. The maximum penalty for each ticket is a $250 fine and/or 15 days incarceration.
“There is harm in this case. We can prove they were the defendants’ traps,” Tryon said. “The defendants may have been sought out, but they were not told do whatever they needed to do, regardless of the law. They should be held to a higher standard because they taught trapping courses.”
To read full article: Trial Date Set for Depot Trappers.
Photo: “Molly Rose”, killed in trap while on a leash.