Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Comments Needed for Wyoming Wolves

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Wyoming Gray Wolf Hunting Seasons

  • WGFD Public Meeting in Jackson, WY
  • May 17, 2018
  • 6:00 P.M. @ Teton County Library, 125 Virginian Lane

Wolves Need Your Comments!

  • Comment deadline for Chapter 47 is
  • 5:00 P.M. on Friday, June 4, 2018


Wyoming wolves are trapped and killed in almost any manner in over 85% of the state.  But yet, Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) is proposing to increase the mortality limit in the trophy hunting zones to 58 from the 44 last season, targeting more animals than in any other modern season to date. The proposal includes the allocation of higher hunt area quotas in areas where wolves are impacting big game populations.  It also allows the purchase of up to two gray wolf hunting licenses instead of only one during any calendar year.

The WGFD is holding public meetings on the proposed 2018 gray wolf hunting seasons for comment. The final proposal will go to the G&F Commission at the July 10-11 meeting in Laramie, WY, allowing the public a short timeframe to respond. Comment deadline June 4, 5:00 p.m. The local Jackson, WY public meeting is at the Jackson Teton County Auditorium on May 17, 6pm.

Talking Points

How should you say it?

It is usually most effective to be persuasive, but not rude, sarcastic or angry. Speak from the heart of one who is more inclined to support our Game & Fish Department if and when doing what is best and right for all residents and visitors in Wyoming, now and into the future. Original words directly from your own heart and mind are more likely to be given consideration than words and phrases that sound scripted.

WU believes that there is no science-based foundation for “sport” or “trophy” hunting, trapping or managing a population to minimum numbers.


  • Bob Tetreault

    There are better ways to deal with conflicts than killing. Natural predation will have no ill effects for hunters. The science and research has been done and I feel that making use of it will benefit everyone in the end. Why not try sonething other than killing?

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Bob, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Diane Lang

    I am against the killing of our iconic species. What will be left in Wyoming will be only Elk. There will be nothing wild about your wilderness when it is devoid of wild animals. I have visited your beautiful state many times but never again. I can’t support a State with my tourist dollars when they kill the animals l want to see.
    Think about the future & protect a valuable resource.
    Don’t just think about cattle & Elk.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Diane, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Carmen Sebastian

    Apex predators are vital to healthy ecosystem. Wolves bolster the tourism economy, and they deserve protection.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Carmen, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Clay St John

    I too will avoid spending my money in a state that allows wanton disregard for the necessary balance of an ecosystem. You will be overrun by elk and rodents if you continue to persecute alpha predators (this is not opinion, by the way – simply information that can be found in any middle school Earth Science book). If you care at all for the future of your state, allow ALL species to play their role. Only then will you we all thrive.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Clay, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Lara Edelman

    The continued killing of a keystone species in our eco system will only further enhance our own eventual demise. When is Fish & Game, ranchers & hunters going to realize that not only is this abhorrent to the majority of Americans, it is killing the state nature and health. Tourists will pay more money to visit and seek out seeing wild animals in nature than you will ever get in killing. Killing is such a short sighted and ugly thing to do.

    These animals, more than ever need protection. It appears they need protections from our government as well.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Lara, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Mary Shabbott

    I simply do not understand the desire to murder wolves. They are a critical part of nature and are important. They only want to live as you and I. Wolves are family oriented, loyal and loving beings. People from all over the world come to places to see them alive.
    Our endangered wolves need protections and the chance to live. I am tired of hunters getting their way. It is past time to put our wildlife first.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Mary, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Hazel Curtis

    wolves are keystone predators, that are viral to healthyansflourushing ecosystems . killing and extincting these wild lufe animals will etic entireecosystens that in turnwillcayse itscollapseaffecting the very livestock u say u want to protect.. and CWD wil kill off elk and disease , will be rife. Non lethal means and goidhusbandry is the only way and less cost effective. Tourists spend billions globally , coming tothe statesto see luvewolvesnot dead ones. if wolvesareeradicated wyomig abd sates that kill will lose billions, as tourists withdraw andno longer come to these placestospend thier money . This willbea great lossin the wake of extinction as a result.

  • Hazel Curtis

    Wolves are key stone predators, thatare vital to the health and survival of entire ecosystems . killing wolves , will eventually cause extinction that in turn will extict entire ecosystems of animals , nammals abd plants , trees leaving abarren wasteland that in turn will kil if elk populationsabd domestic livestock. Non
    lethal is the only successful sensble way forward . Toyristfromall over theglibe flock to the states to see living thriving predators , and flourishing ecosystems not dead ones , bringing in vast wealth to these places. If wolves are eradicated not only will these places declune and luvestock get sick so to will the billions of dollars decline and jobs will be lost along with it .Wolves are a vital asset and much more valuable alive.They also prevent the spread of elk herds

  • Hazel Curtis

    Wolves play a vital role in the ecosystems they dwell in. Other wild lufe that are essential depend apin them They ward of cwd in elk herds preventing this disease from entering the human chain.
    They also are a valuable soyrce of income by way of toyrists whom come to the states and spend billions of dollars bolstering jobs and income mych needed to see living wolves not dead ones. If wolves are eeaducated not only will these ecosystems decline with them , domestic livestock will suffer and get sick! Non lethal us the only sensible way forward , along with good husbandry and coexistence.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Hazel, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Teri Kroll

    I believe it is cruel and unnecessary. Wolves are a vital partner in the eco system. They cull the old and ill. I would be hard pressed to find anyone wanting a wolf pelt or eats wolf meat. It reeks of genocide. Tourism will suffer greatly if they are gone.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Teri, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Gina Piccolo

    Killing the wild is so stupid they were here long than these stupid idiot who only want to kill things important to the environment if hunters wanna kill put them in the service to protect the country from evil. Heartless humans in other countries that kill innocent people in the world they can shoot till there Hearst content. And leave the wildlife alone

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Gina, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Pat Blushiy

    Wolves are one of our country’s natural resources, and imperative to our ecosystem. They cull the weak and ill, and will help the fight against CWD. On the other hand, your hunters take the biggest and strongest and hurt the herd’s. To allow Trophy Hunter’s kill wolves for ‘fun’ or ‘sport’ is just wrong. They live in packs and are loyal, loving animals that have a natural fear of man. When a pack member is killed, it totally disrupts the whole pack. When a alpha is killed, it could bring a end to the entire pack. Too many believe in the old fairy tales of the big bad wolf and have a unnatural fear/hate of these magnificent creatures. Many travel many miles to be able to observe these wonderful animals in their natural habitat, that tourism puts money in the state’s pockets. To allow them to be hunted to just wrong.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Pat, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Janice Chance

    Stop killing predators…Educate yourselves…Or tell the truth about why the wolves or really being killed.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Janice, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Deborah Bortot

    Hey, I have a really good idea what cow people do Let nature take care of Nature. Stop killing off our endangered animals

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Deborah, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Athena

    Wolves have a need to be in.our ecosystem. Extermination is not an answer. There are better way to deal with this.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Athena, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Noel Lauren

    Wolves have their very right to be here in this land. I believe that there is no science based foundation for “sport” or “trophy” hunting or managing their population to minimum number.
    How ridiculous to wipe almost of them, native of this land, no excuses for that.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Noel, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Theresa Sanders

    Please take into consider the eco system. The wolves ate here for many reasons. There is a better way of dealing with this situation must be considered. To destroy the wolves is to change the entire eco system. Please reconsider the hunts an maintain a healthy level of environment for our future an that of our children

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Theresa, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Susan coles

    Wolves are a necessity to our eco system there must be a better way of dealing with them than exterminating them as as species they are sentient beings on this planet and have no right to kill them we as humans have taken away their habitat and mercilessly hunted them this needs to stop they have every right to live on this planet wild and free

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Susan, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. We agree that wolves are a necessity to our econ system. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Angie Hamilton

    Please put an end to trophy and sport hunting. Please stop the killing of these beautiful wolves. They are vital to the ecosystem and maintain a balance. They deserve to be allowed to live their lives. Why must the answer to everything is to kill? We are humans. We are intelligent and compassionate beings for a purpose. Let’s show some compassion.
    I have always enjoyed vacationing in Oregon. It’s breathtaking and majestic even more so when I was honored with witnessing a wolf in all its glory. A truly remarkable sight. It’s a fond memory. I will not however vacation in Oregon or spend one penny in your state if the murders of these wolves continue. Value lire for a change. Value life of these wolves.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Angie, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Mandy Burrell

    Wolves are a very important part of an eco-system and they should be protected. Most of the wolves in Wyoming are around the the area of the beautiful Yellowstone National Park. I wish more people could see that these wonderful animals need to be left alone and not killed.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Mandy, We appreciate your comment, and agree that wolves are essential to healthy ecosystems. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Jane Marie Gramza

    The people who kill these much needed wolves really need to be educated on how much they are needed to balance out all wildlife, the land and also streams,lake’s and other waterways. It’s been proven how vital these animals are! I would not step foot in a state that allows such cruel happenings! Please reconsider!!

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Jane Marie, We appreciate your comment, and agree that wolves are essential to healthy ecosystems. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Gynette Cathey

    Wolves are essential to healthy ecosystems. This has been proven repeatedly by science. There are more effective ways to deal with predadation. Number one is getting cattle off public lands. Range riders. Guard dogs. Lights and horns. Healthy lands and wildlife are what the people want. Not more cattle and oil.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Gynette, We appreciate your comment, and agree that wolves are essential to healthy ecosystems. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Tina Beier

    We Really need to take care of our wildlife; Wolves especially! They are way too important to be wiped off this earth. The wolves are what keeps tourism coming to the National Parks. By removing them, you would lose all the tourism dollars, and all the beauty of the land that the wolves are responsible for. They keep a balanced eco-system by taking out the sick other animals. They also get rid of the rats and other rodents that cause Wasting Disease, Septic and Bulbonic Plague. If the Plague and Wasting disease are left to spread by the decimation of our wolves, it will reach humans very quickly. Cattle Really need to be kept Off public lands. If the ranchers want all their cattle, they should keep them on the ranchers own place. They only help destroy the beauty of the land. Please SAVE our Wolves, as they are Needed more than anything else.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Tina, we appreciate your comment. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you!

  • Lili Castillo

    We’re an exploited continent since all immigrants from the Old World settled. We must give thanks to these people for all the extinctions, trophy hunting and fur industry. It’s pathetic to see this is still happening in our society and it’s with our vouce that some changes have been made. America needs you people to stop animal cruelty. Nature is not yours to mistreat and abuse.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Lili, thanks for your comment. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you! We appreciate your support!

  • Lili Castillo

    You are all immigrants. Stop abusing this continent.

  • Cynthia Sanfilippo

    I’m against wolf trapping and hunting, these beautiful animals need to be protected and respected, for they play an important part role in our ecosystem!

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Cynthia, thanks for your comment. We agree! Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you!

  • Lucille

    I agree Wolves are very essentail to ecosystem which has been proven there is no need to kill them off, if we all work together we can find a better solution for the Beautiful Wolves. Please,Please listen to what the people are writing .

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Lucille, thanks for your comment. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you!

  • Lisa Audus

    The wolves are an important part of the ecology of the grasslands and parks too.I feel that they should not be hunted,the G.F.&P department could actually tranquilize them and transport to an alternate location.I feel also that they could teach farmers and ranchers how to tranquilize them.There has to be another logical way.Having these hunts across the country is not the answer!They’ve been a part of the wilderness for centuries.So please don’t hunt them anymore find a different solution.Thank you.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Lisa. We appreciate your comment. Hi Tess. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you!

  • Julie

    All animals deserve to live all are here for a reason stop destroying God’s blessings

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Julie, We appreciate your comment on our WU page. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you for your support!

  • Mark sheppard

    Completely wrong to hunt these animals. Persecuted for centuries. To edge of extinction. Finally they were starting to get the respect and protection they deserve. Then these new bills have taken away protection for an endangered species. Discusting politicians you have no hearts.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Mark. Thanks for commenting. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:
      Thank you!

  • Susan Courtney

    Please leave the wolves alone!!! They have as much reason and RIGHT to be free and be on these lands!!! They were here before most humans, ESPECIALLY any of the descendants of the European Invasion years ago!!! God created them to live here and prosper. DO NOT defile what God has wanted and created!!! 💖💖💖🐺🐺🐺🐺💖💖💖

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Susan. We appreciate your comment. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you to there:
      Thank you!

  • Debra Thaisen

    I cannot believe that some people in this day and age still think killing iconic animals is the only way to solve the problem! These people need to get on board with the future and quit living in the past!!! Like me…more and more people want to see our wolves and other wildlife alive and roaming free!!!##🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺 LONG LIVE OUR WOLVES💕💕💕💕💕💕

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Debra, Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you to there:
      Thank you for your comment!

  • Lawrence Scrima

    Stop the killing and trapping healthy wolves on or near public lands – Its your clear mandate for the majority of your constituents and for our wildlife, environmental and human health!
    Wolves are essential for environmental health:

    … Wolves are the natural, most agreeable way to control Wild Boar, Ungulate and Rodent populations that destroy crop and flora, as well as spread disease everywhere! Wolves have been proven to primarily kill sick and old in herds, increase the herd health, prevent them from over-grazing and overpopulating (proven in Yellowstone Park), as well as rodents that can spread diseases. Consider, foxes, coyotes and wolves consume a lot of rodents: mice, rats, prairie dogs, rabbits. Unchecked rodent populations destroy crops and can spread disease outbreaks, e.g., chronic wasting disease (CWD), and bubonic plague! Note: wolves, coyotes and foxes are immune to these diseases! Don’t repeat past mistakes! New study demonstrates that if there is a range rider man on horseback) monitoring the herd, there are no wolf kills even with a close by wild wolf pack:

    Consider: Naturally evolved diversity of life supports and enriches all life, Wildlife populations have decreased by 58% over the last 40 years (Living
    Upon which we depend for a healthy environment.
    Recently a new study published in the journal Science Advances, concludes that:
    even with extremely conservative estimates, species are disappearing up to about 100 times faster than the normal rate between mass extinctions, known as the background rate.
    “If it is allowed to continue, life would take many millions of years to recover, and our species itself would likely disappear early on,” said lead author Gerardo Ceballos of the Universidad Autónoma de México.
    Read more at:

    We cannot afford to lose any more wildlife, especially wild large game (except some deer populations) and predators; that are near extinction!
    Trophy hunting must stop now! Some of many official sites for detailed non-lethal methods to prevent wolf depredation of livestock:

    Some of many official sites for detailed non-lethal methods to prevent wolf depredation of livestock:
    Summary: During the first year the mean cost of livestock protection was USD 3.30 per head of stock and the mean cost of depredation was USD 20.11 per head of stock. In the first year of non-lethal control the combined implementation and running costs were similar to those of lethal control (USD 3.08 per head). However, the mean cost of depredation decreased by 69.3%, to USD 6.52 per head. In the second year of non-lethal control the running costs (USD 0.43 per head) were significantly lower than in previous years and depredation costs decreased further, to USD 5.49 per head. Our results suggest that non-lethal methods of human–wildlife conflict mitigation can reduce depredation and can be economically advantageous compared to lethal methods of predator control. wildlife, especially wild large game (except some deer populations) and predators; that are near extinction!
    Man’s Ancient Promise, to the Wolf….’For teaching humans leadership, loyalty, teamwork, hunting strategies, love, displays of affection and giving their weakest pups, now called dogs, We Humans Promise: to let Wild Wolves Run Free!…to continue their role in Nature: to improve the health of herds, by taking mostly the sick and old, preserve flora, diverse plant, animal, environment, and clean water, simply by keeping herds from over-grazing, prevent rodent overpopulation and associated spread of disease….this ancient promise is held In Perpetuity’ … breach of this promise, signals the end of humane civilization and likely humanity!
    I have links to studies and reports for all of the above if you would like to have them. This comment system treated all links as spam.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Thank you Lawrence! Excellent comment! We are not sure why your links were treated as spam, but we will take a look to resolve the problem.
      Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you to there:

  • Brett Dennison

    Stop the killing

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Brett, thanks for your comment. Hi Tess. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you there:

  • Barbara Baggs

    We need Wolves and our Wildlife.A start would be get cattle off public lands.Wolves are essential to a healthy ecosystem.Killing is not the answer.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Barbara. Thanks for your comment. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you to there:

  • Randy

    The simple fact that hunters say wolves kill all the elk and deer is simply false. Long before the English ever settled in North America the wildlife was imense millions of elk and deer roamed the mountains along with hundreds of thousands of wolves, nature is nearly perfect in her design everything has a balance. With science it is proven that nature will find it’s balance and with science yet again we can prove that the real issue with depredation to game herds is by humans if anyone can prove me wrong do so.

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Thank you so much Randy! Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you to there: