Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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WYU Newsletter

Winter Newsletter—Exciting Trail Setback Campaign, Trapping Analysis, & Much More
New Trail Campaign, Speaker Event, Analysis, & More!
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2014: Please Help Us Continue to Build Upon This Year's Successes

Thanks to you, Wyoming Untrapped has launched a new campaign to create trapping trail setbacks, essentially trap-free corridors where people and their dogs can recreate safely. We have reached thousands of people through our education efforts, both online through our social media platforms, website, and videos, and through our trap-release workshops. 

Every day, your support moves Wyoming Untrapped’s efforts forward.

One family’s recent tragedy in Casper reminded us of the deadly consequences of current trapping practices. Legally set snares on public land less than a mile from the Cardenas family’s home killed all three of their St. Bernard dogs. Trapping of non-target animals, including dogs, will not end without reform and action.

Wyoming Untrapped is poised to break new ground in trapping reform in Wyoming. We need your help to make it happen.

Please consider making a special holiday donation of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford to help us move trapping reform forward. Your generous donation, no matter the amount, is greatly appreciated. 

Wyoming Untrapped is committed to remaining a small, efficient, fiscally responsible nonprofit focused entirely on trapping reform and compassionate wildlife management. Read on for more information about what Wyoming Untrapped is doing and the work your donation would support. Please, click here to make your donation now, or send it to PO Box 9004, Jackson, WY 83002. The lives of so many of our four-legged friends are at stake.  
Thank you for your continued support.

With gratitude,


Lisa Robertson
& the WU Board of Directors

Donate with Paypal

Trapping Analysis Completed

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) awarded Wyoming Untrapped a generous grant to produce "An Analysis of Trapping in Wyoming". WU has completed this analysis, which is available on our website. Read it to learn more about the issues we are facing!
Read our Analysis!

New Campaign: Traps & Trails Don't Mix 

We are excited to announce that we are embarking on a new campaign to establish trapping ‘setbacks’ along hiking trails- essentially trap-free corridors where people and their pets can recreate safely. WU is in discussions with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to create new regulations that would establish setbacks on some of the most popular trails in Teton County. This campaign has a deadline- July 2015, and we will need your help getting there! Click here to read our draft setback plan and proposal!
Read our Plan!



Speaker Event!

March 3, 2015

Wyoming Untrapped will be hosting a speaking event on compassionate wildlife management and coexistence in Wyoming and around the world by Asher Jay, a conservation-minded graphic artist whose work is currently on display at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. Look for event details in your inbox or on our Facebook page soon!

Trapping Facts 

Did you know Wyoming allows unlimited trapping of bobcats? Did you know that 1,427 bobcats were trapped in Wyoming during the 2013-2014 season? Shouldn't we know how many bobcats are out there, and have some kind of quota?

Would you know how to release your dog from a trap the moment it happened? Traps can be set directly along the trails you hike with your dog. Learn now, learning later could be too late! Click here to watch our video. 


Trapping Incidents

3 St. Bernards Trapped
Tragedy struck a Casper, Wyoming family early this month when their three St. Bernards were killed in snares. The family is now calling for trapping reform in the surrounding Casper area! Read more about this family's terrible loss.
Great Horned Owl Trapped
This owl was spotted with a trap hanging from its foot in Star Valley. Read more about this story's happy ending.
Marten Trapped near Adoption Center
This dead marten in a trap was spotted on a trail directly behind the Animal Adoption Center in Jackson, WY, on a trail popular for walking shelter dogs. Read more about this reminder that traps are found on popular hiking trails!

WU Updates

Building the WU Team

The Wyoming Untrapped Team is stronger than ever! Our new part-time staff member, Katy Canetta, is already hard at work on our new programs and campaigns. Other contributors to our team are Audrey Hagen and Jamie Dunphy, creating and managing our donor database, Louise Lasley, applying her fantastic grant writing skills to WU, and Sharon Brown, helping move WU’s awareness campaigns forward!


Connect With Us

Copyright © 2014  Wyoming Untrapped, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Wyoming Untrapped
P.O. Box 9004
Jackson, WY 83002

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