In Response to Trapping Incidents

At Present, Trappers are not Required to Report Dogs Caught in Their Traps. We know of 80+ dogs that have been reported caught in traps in WY since 2000. Three of these, all belonging to the same family, died. Seven of the 80 were in Teton County. There could be many more out there, but no official record exists.  In response to numerous pet trapping incidents the fall of 2019, Wyoming Untrapped assembled and is now offering, the UNtrap Pack, a kit with the tools needed to free your injured pet from a trap or snare and carry it to safety.

How to Release Your Pet from a Trap

Be aware that traps are out there every day of the year in Wyoming! If you see a trap or your dog is caught in one of these devices, know what to do! You can reduce conflict by being aware of the recommendations in this video – it may save your dog’s life.

Trap Safety for Pet Owners

Keeping your dog safe is your responsibility. If a pet is caught accidentally in a trap or snare, it may be possible to remove it without injury. The key is to follow the steps outlined in this brochure quickly and calmly. You should understand how to remove a trap or snare before you head outside, but take this brochure with you for field reference. A dog or other animal caught in a trap or snare may be extremely agitated, and may try to bite those who come near. Your ability to reassure and calm your pet is critical to a successful release.

Download Trap Safety Brochure