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Dog Trapping Incident: Kobe and Nani | Fremont Canyon


Trap Incident Investigation Report
Date Occurred: March 2015
Location: Fremont Canyon, BLM Land
Victim Species: Domestic Dog
Victim Names: Kobe and Nani
Owner Name: Ryan Haydel
Victim Outcome: Survived
Trap Type: Snares
Trap Legality: Unknown
Legal Outcome: None

Ryan frequents the Fremont Canyon climbing area quite often and is an avid climber. His two dogs usually go with him and spend time running around and exploring at the base of the cliff while Ryan is climbing. Ryan let his dogs out of the car and within five minutes he heard Kobe yelp in pain. Ryan went to see what was going on and found Kobe in one of the only small bushes at the base of the cliff in a snare. He and his friend spent a while trying to figure out how to release the snare and finally got it loose. Within ten minutes, he heard his other dog, Nani yelp and found her in pretty much the only other bush at the base of the cliff with her neck in a snare. She was not as calm and was struggling pretty hard to get free. Ryan was able to release the snare. He said both dogs were pretty shaken up and Nani coughed for weeks after the incident. Ryan indicated that this is a very popular area for climbing. He was shocked to find two snares at the base of a popular climbing route where people and their dogs frequently go to enjoy nature, climb and hike.

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