Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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What is the Value of a Single Bobcat in $?


In a ground-breaking new study, WU recently partnered with Panthera to estimate the value of one bobcat in Yellowstone to the economy of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. What we found is that one bobcat alive is worth 1000 times more to the economy than that same bobcat if hunted or trapped. Bobcats are trapped and hunted from November 15 to March 1 each year in unlimited numbers. It is time to manage these “big/little” cats for all citizens, not just consumptive users. There is a priceless value on seeing one of these elusive creatures in the beautiful Wyoming scenery.

Dr. Mark Elbroch, Puma Program Lead Scientist and lead author, stated, “With millions of people coming through Yellowstone and Grand Teton each year, the value of living wildlife to local economies, visitor enjoyment, and even to those who may never visit these parks, cannot be emphasized enough. Bobcats are a natural resource we share in public trust with the whole country, and beyond.”

Wyoming Untrapped is advocating for more value to be placed on bobcats and other non-game wildlife as valuable components of not only the ecosystem, but of Wyoming’s economy. With wildlife watchers travelling from near and far, and spending money along the way, the value of a single animal cannot be overstated. Instead of allowing unlimited numbers of these animals to be hunted and trapped, there should be strict quotas and limits so as to allow an equal opportunity for wildlife-watchers to see this unique species in Wyoming’s picturesque landscape.

For additional details, visit our Bobcat page.



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