Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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GIVEAWAY – UNtrapped Pack

Wyoming Untrapped Giveaways

We are celebrating our supporters’ contributions to the vital work we have completed this summer with three Wyoming Untrapped Giveaways over three weeks. Each week will feature a Wyoming Untrapped (WU) program and a corresponding giveaway in appreciation of our community.

For the final week of our WU giveaways, we are featuring one of our favorite community programs, our Trap-Release Workshops. The Wyoming Furbearer Trapping season opens on October 1st. To ensure that you and your family are prepared, we will host three Trap-Release Workshops across the state during the last week of September. By attending, you can learn more about our work to keep Wyoming wildlife, residents, and pets safe on the public landscape.  

As a thank you to our supporters for making the workshops possible, on September 14th – 16th, we will give away an UNtrapped Pack so that you and yours can feel confident when recreating on public lands. The UNtrapped pack has all the tools you need to ensure that you are prepared for any trap-related injuries or incidents while recreating with your family and pets on public lands.

Support us during Old Bill’s giving season here! 

How it works:

Register to win using your email address below. Each registrant can gain additional entries by visiting WU on social media or joining our newsletter. Track your entries using the Time and Entry Tracker above each giveaway.


Registration for this giveaway will open at midnight (12 am) on September 14th and end at 11:59 pm on September 16th. Winners will be randomly selected and contacted using the email address provided.


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