Wyoming Wolf “Varmint” Poaching in Closed Trophy Zone
“North Jackson Game Warden Jon Stephens received a tip from a concerned sportsman regarding suspicious activity in the upper Gros Ventre drainage northeast of Jackson. The reporting party noticed an individual who appeared to be pursuing a wolf in a closed area. Stephens successfully located the suspects vehicle several hours later and learned the individual had been varmint hunting in the area for a couple days. The suspect had two red foxes in the back of the truck, but Stephens also noticed additional blood markings around the truck bed. When asked if they had taken anything else, they reported they had shot at but missed a coyote in the exact area the report suggested. Stephens then asked to look through several boxes in the back of the truck and while doing so discovered a recently killed wolf stuffed in the bottom of one (Left). When asked what was in the bottom of the box, the individual responded “You got me, I shot a wolf in the closed area.” The individual stated they had planned to wait a day then try checking it in, saying it was taken in a different area. The wolf was seized and the individual received citations for taking a wolf in a closed area, failure to tag the animal and shooting from a public roadway.”
Thank you to Jackson Game Warden Jon Stephens and to the sportsman who furnished the tip. We’ll keep you posted as we follow these citations through the court system.
WU believes that poaching of wolves in the trophy game areas deserves the highest penalties allowed by law for such a criminal action.
Public tips lead to successful poaching investigations.
To report poaching:
Text keyword WGFD and your message to TIP411 (847-411)
Stop Poaching Hotline – 1-877-WGFD-TIP (1-877-943-3847)
Read WGFD newsletter:
Read Jackson Hole News and Guide:
Hunters Help Nab Wolf Poacher
Update on wolf hunting season:
The hunting quota is 44, ending on Dec 31.
43 have been taken as of today.
UPDATE: 12.26.17
The hunter had a wolf license, but hunted in a closed Wolf Hunt Area 9.
The adjacent area 8 was open. Three citations were issued – bondable. One citation was taking “trophy game” animal (gray wolf) in closed area. The poacher can pay the ~$1500 fine and is not required to show up in court. The wolf carcass was confiscated by WGFD. Foxes were legally taken.
Photo: Jackson wolf by local photographer Tim Mayo.