Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Activist Calls for Removal of Leg-hold Traps on Public Lands

Z Jacobson was hiking with her dogs, Noodles and Lulu, and a friend along a new trail off Old Buckman Road in the Santa Fe National Forest on Thanksgiving Day.

It’s ominously called Dead Dog Trail, and it leads to the top of the Caja del Rio Plateau. Jacobson’s friend had helped build it, and she was interested in touring a couple of canyons along the way said to contain rock art.

Noodles has since recovered, but the experience has turned Jacobson into an activist against leg-hold traps on public lands. She’s been warning friends who walk their dogs off-leash and has spoken to anti-trapping groups. She also sent out a message asking members of her local hiking group to sign Trap Free New Mexico’s petition calling on the State Game Commission to ban trapping on public lands and to better regulate traps. The group is a coalition of conservation and animal welfare groups that says trapping regulations are outdated and put citizens, pets and other species at risk.

Read full article: Activist Calls for Removal of Leg-Hold Traps on Public Lands


Thank you Trap Free New Mexico, other groups, and individuals who are taking-action following this trapping incident.
“I want to be active in trying to stop this,” Jacobson said. “We’re not able to stop trappers. But we shouldn’t be trapping on public land. That’s just wrong.”

Please consider sending letters to the Santa Fe New Mexican editor and keep this story going! The SF New Mexican has a 150 word limit and requires your name, address and phone number (the latter two won’t be published) Please write yours today! you can send them here:

*****WU, the only Wyoming database source for dog-trapping incidents, has recorded 13 dogs that have been trapped in our state. 3 beloved St. Bernards were killed from a trapper’s snares in the Casper area. These are only the incidents that were reported to WU, but we believe that dozens more have occurred that are not reported.

Please join us to reform trapping regulations in Wyoming, as well as New Mexico, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, New Jersey, Vermont, Minnesota and other states! Please share with your friends. Raise awareness.


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