Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Jackson Attorney Speaks out for Furbearers


Images by Thomas D. Mangelsen

Peter F. Moyer, a valued supporter of Wyoming Untrapped, recently wrote us, WGFD, and the Governor’s Office this articulate, compelling, and well-reasoned letter describing the reasons he believes trapping reform should be pursued in Wyoming. One paragraph is quoted below, but be sure to click here to read the full letter.

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]Very broad trapping setbacks away from hiking areas, and other area trapping restrictions on our public lands, simply make sense. It is not just concern for dogs and other “non-target species” killed or maimed in traps, where trapping is far more indiscriminate than hunting aimed at specific target species. Absent broad setbacks and area restriction, wildlife resources should not be compromised in our magnificent public surroundings just so a very limited group of people can trap and kill. It is nice to have the critters around, and nice to have ecological balance. It is public land, where there should be fair and proper Federal and State management balance considering the nature and relative importance of different uses.[/mk_blockquote]
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One Comment

  • Idarose Huf

    please stop the torture of traps for the sake of fashion

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