Tracks, Traps, and Trails: Compassionate Wildlife Management

Date: March 3, 2015
Time: 6-9pm, Speaker at 7
Where: Center Theater, 265 S. Cache Street, Jackson, Wyoming
Tickets: $10 available online from the Center Box Office, or by calling toll-free 1-877-733-4901
Details: Snacks and cash bar available
Meet a raptor from the Teton Raptor Center while learning more about how trapping affects Wyoming’s raptors.
Meet Sydney, The Cougar Fund’s office pup, who lost most of her teeth to a trap in Jackson Hole.
Hold a trap in your hand and learn how to release your pet from a trap.
Submit a comment to Wyoming Game and Fish Department on your thoughts about the establishment of trapping ‘setbacks’ (or trap-free corridors) along trails in Teton County.
Add your sketches, words, and artistic expression to a group-sourced poster project in the lobby.
featuring renowned graphic artist and National Geographic
Emerging Explorer Asher Jay
“Creative conservationist and National Geographic Emerging Explorer Asher Jay uses groundbreaking design, multimedia arts, literature, and lectures to inspire global action to combat illegal wildlife trafficking, advance environmental issues, and promote humanitarian causes… A staunch supporter of animal welfare, wildlife conservation and sustainable development, she found herself using her artistic prowess and writing to raise awareness through unique collaborations with scientists, non-profits and other kindred change agents. “The unique power of art is that it can transcend differences, connect with people on a visceral level, and compel action,” she says.”
She now brings her creative talent and voice to Wyoming to raise awareness about the negative impact trapping has on people, pets, and wildlife. In addition to speaking on compassionate wildlife management and coexistence, Asher Jay will be unveiling a new, donor-commissioned piece for Wyoming Untrapped.
Traps can be found almost anywhere on public land and thus create an unsafe environment for people, pets, and wildlife. Traps kill thousands of furbearers and predators every year in Wyoming, including foxes, wolves, coyotes, American martens, weasels, and even bobcats. Collateral damage too often includes ‘non-target’ animals like domestic dogs. Asher Jay will be breaking new ground in the dialogue surrounding trapping in Wyoming by speaking on the role of compassion in the way we manage and coexist with our world-class Wyoming wildlife.
Asher Jay In Action
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Brenda Clary
Hope you are very successful with this meeting. Wish I were there to assist you!
Good Luck!