Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Rock Springs, WY Group to Protest Coyote Killing Contest


For Immediate Release:

Sunday, January 30, 29022


Madhu Anderson (cell 702 624 7832)

Rock Springs Residents Demand Local Bar to Cancel The Wildlife Killing Contest

Rock Springs, WY- From Sunday, January 30 – February 5, 2022, Wyoming Wildlife Protection Group will peacefully protest a wildlife killing contest hosted by Buddha Bob’s Bar at The Sands

“These contests glorify violence against animals and do not have any sound, science-based wildlife management principles which give our hunters and wildlife agencies a bad name,” says Anderson, the protest organizer.

Wildlife management agencies and lawmakers in a growing number of states—including Arizona, California, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Vermont, and Washington—have banned killing contests in recent years. For example, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department said, “These kinds of competitive coyote hunts are raising concerns on the part of the public and could possibly jeopardize the future of hunting and affect access to private lands for all hunters.”

Since 1850 when mass killings of coyotes began, the range of this species has tripled in the United States.

According to U.S. Department of Agriculture data, In 2015, U.S. cows and sheep inventories (including calves and lambs) numbered approximately 118.8 million animals. Of that total, 474,9 animals were lost to all carnivores combined (including coyotes, unknown predators, and dogs), or 0.39 percent.

Wyoming Wildlife Protection Group aims to ban wildlife killing contests in Wyoming. For more information, please email


See USDA. 2015. “Cattle and Calves Death Loss in the United States Due to Predator and Nonpredator Causes, 2015.” USDA–APHIS–VS–CEAH, available at:; USDA. 2015. “Sheep and Lamb Predator and Nonpredator Death Loss in the United States, 2015.” USDA–APHIS–VS–CEAH–NAHMS, available at

Robert Crabtree and Jennifer Sheldon, “Coyotes and Canid Coexistence in Yellowstone,” in Carnivores in Ecosystems: The Yellowstone Experience, ed. T. Clark et al.(New Haven [Conn.]: Yale University Press, 1999)

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For more information or interviews please contact Madhu Anderson 702-624-7832


Wyoming Coyote image by local photographer, Michael Cohen, @mscpix


  • Kindel

    Every creature has purpose. Everything has its place. Killing anything just for being there at all is a blind reason. If killing is not for meat or self defense it should never be done to such mass scale. There is only fear and misunderstanding behind this. Or more sinister, greed, power, bloodlust, all over a creature with no fair way to fight back. Poison, trapping, baiting, long rang riffle… I call coward! Want to kill it? Fine! Do it with your bare hands! See how many hunters want to try that.

  • Sukufe Zeynep Ozbatur

    What kind of pleasure are these people getting from killing a living creature it is not understandable

  • Alisha Atkinson

    Please help aim to get rid of heartless wildlife killing contest! These animal can coexist, please let these animal live, wild and free!
    Thank you,
    Alisha Atkinson

  • Christine Villabona-Kuntz

    Please stop 🛑 and outlaw all killing contests! This is egregious acts of violence! We are in the sixth mass extinctions right now !! We desperately need all species and we need to stop playing god with the ecosystems and wildlife! Can’t people go visit lonely people and help out other human beings instead of mindless violence against coyotes! Our creator is not pleased!! That people get off on murdering his creations ! Outlaw leghold traps and snares! The cruelest acts are being allowed and for what! Wyoming needs to deal with their alcoholism epidemic and poverty problems not go around killing innocent animals

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