State Says Trapping OK on edge of town, Cache
“The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission has rejected a proposed regulation that would have banned trapping furbearing species such as marten and mink along the edge of Jackson and up the Cache Creek drainage.
In a 5-1 vote, the commission last week stripped language from regulations proposed by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and supported by the vast majority of residents submitting public comment, the Teton County Board of Commissioners and Teton County state Rep. Ruth Ann Petroff.”
Read more: Jackson Hole News and Guide – State says trapping OK on edge of town, Cache
Photo: WildRose Kennels
Well , Jackson Hole, it was a nice ski trip, guess you do not need my money. I will not be bringing my money nor my family back to your area.
Kathy breipohl
I am truly ashamed of my home state that this these traps are still legal anywhere, this simply must be stopped, it is extreme cruelty and is a disgrace.
Please pass the ban in trapping!