Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Trapping Reform Action – WGF Commission Taking Action on WGF Recommendations

The WGF Commission will discuss the final recommendations at the Commission meeting in Buffalo, or on ZOOM, Tuesday, Nov 17, 2020. They will vote to accept the regulations, or not, and the direction ahead.

These recommendations are a step forward and should be treated as such, but although this is a shift, only baby steps are being recommended. However, we need critical actions this season, not two or three years ahead.
After reviewing trapping reform recommendations by the internal WGFD committee, it’s clear that while some voices have been heard, this does not recognize the urgent need for action. We appreciate that mandatory trapping education may move forward. However, traps and snares will continue to remain legal directly on public trails, ensuring that additional injuries or death to pets will continue this year. Wild sentient animals will continue to suffer long brutal deaths with lengthy trap-check times. Non-target animal reporting will remain voluntary which does not allow for data-based management of furbearer animals.
Your letters, phone calls, conversations, and comments have moved us to this step, and now we need to ask you for more!
We are asking for the Wyoming public to plan to attend the Commission meeting on Nov 17 in Buffalo, in person or virtually.
Wyoming Game and Fish Commission – Nov 17-18, Buffalo, WY
This meeting will be conducted in-person and via ZOOM video conferencing. To make a public comment and to participate via ZOOM you must register at the link provided below. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the meeting. Please note there are different links for each day.
To register for public comment on November 17, Deadline Nov 12 submitted to
You must fill out and submit an Advanced Agenda Item Comment Form (at the end of this link):
Agenda Item #13. Presenters: Rick King, Chief, Wildlife Division and Jason Hunter, Lander Region Supervisor, Wildlife Division. Trapping Regulations Update . The Commission will be provided with an update on the Department’s efforts to review and evaluate trapping regulations. Specific recommendations will be presented to the Commission. 30 min. 4:00-4:30 p.m.

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