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What We Owe Earth’s Other Predators

Coexistence isn’t easy among humans, as each day’s news makes clear. It isn’t easy between humans and other species either, especially those that are big, powerful, and once were rivals for animal-kingdom dominance. But humans won that war. That achievement has brought with it responsibility for the well-being of Earth’s other creatures – if for no other reason than that it would be lonely at the apex without them.

Read full article:  What We Owe Earth’s Other Predators

Photo:  Mathieu Belanger



  • Tess Husbands

    Our native species of predators are vital and necessary animals. When Earth has “her” coyotes, Earth has more birds and more of a diversity of birds. Early mankind followed wolves to gain food and resources. Today’s science states, wolves are one of a mere handful of the most vital and necessary species on Earth or Keystone Species. The keystone species, alone, prevent their share of planet Earth from collapsing and dying. They also provide life-support for their fellow species of biological diversity and bio means, life! The wolf is biological diversity and a step above the rest of biological diversity as they are keystones. When they reintroduced wolves back to the Yellowstone ecosystem, “Wolves restored the Yellowstone ecosystem from top to bottom.” Dr. Eisenberg Wolves restore planet Earth from top to bottom and are the salvation of the evolutionary event that provided life as we know it — the appearance of trees and plants on the land’s surface.

    Dr. David Suzuki: “Predators in natural abundance play a “critical role” in maintaining healthy, functioning ecosystems. [Only ecosystems, alone, generate and flow all of human-kind’s required life lines for life itself.] Targeting them only causes these highly social animals suffering and stress and….erodes the fabric of interconnectedness that supports all life.” Supports all life!

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Tess. Thank you for commenting. We agree that our predators should be valued for their contributions to the health of our landscapes. Would you consider posting your comments on the WGFD website set up for public comment? June 4 is the deadline. This link will take you to there:

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