Wyoming Game and Fish Seeks Public Input About Future Direction
CHEYENNE—The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is seeking public input as it embarks on a major project to chart a path for the future of Wyoming’s wildlife.
People can offer comments on wildlife and the Game and Fish Department as part of a major research study to develop a new agency-wide strategic plan.
Public input will help shape the first-of-its-kind strategic plan that the Game and Fish plans to use for years to come, according to a press release.
“This is your chance to drive the future of Wyoming’s wildlife,” said Scott Talbott, director of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. “An opportunity like this does not come around very often and we hope you will take advantage of it and give us your thoughts on the future of wildlife, hunting, fishing and our agency.”
Comments and suggestions can be submitted in an online forum today and start commenting on important issues to you. The forum is accessible at wgfd.wyo.gov under the ‘get involved’ tab. Visitors will be able to post comments on the website until June, 2018.
In February there will be a series of in-person events where the public can comment. There will also be a telephone survey of residents and nonresidents.
Game and Fish will build the strategic plan between March and June of 2018. The agency has partnered with Responsive Management, a survey research firm specializing in capturing and analyzing public opinions toward natural resources and outdoor recreation, and The Cooperation Company, a firm specializing in strategic and operational planning, for this project.
“Our mission is to conserve wildlife and to serve the public. We believe this project will help us do both even better,” Talbott said.
As the agency leading wildlife management in Wyoming, the Game and Fish manages more than 800 species of fish and wildlife across Wyoming.