TAKE ACTION: Stop Coyote Killing Contests On Federal Land in Wyoming
WILDLIFE ENTHUSIASTS, your comments are urgently needed.
Two upcoming coyote killing contests, one this weekend, are taking place in Rock Springs, WY. We believe these events are not hunting, they are a blood sport. Wyoming Untrapped’s highest priority is to address our archaic and indiscriminate trapping regulations as well as our wildlife management which allows the cruel and inhumane senseless killing of wildlife in the form of predator killing contests for money and prizes. These “management tools” are not based on a science foundation.
Wyoming Untrapped and The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF), along with a coalition of other organizations sent a letter to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) urging them to enforce the required regulations for two upcoming coyote killing contests.
The first of these upcoming contests, the “Wyoming Coyote Classic,” is scheduled for this Saturday, Jan. 7—the second, “Wyoming Best of the Best” is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 4. In light of the impending dates, we need you to contact the BLM and politely urge them to hold these contests to the law. See the suggested letter below to craft your comments. Thank you to the ALDF for the recommended language for comments.
Please keep your message polite and respectful.
To read the Press Release, click here.
To read the full coalition letter to the BLM, click here.
To read the JHNG: Mass Coyote Kills Take Heat by Mike Koshmrl.
I am writing to encourage you to contact the promoters of two upcoming coyote killing contests and inform them of the need to obtain a Special Recreation Permit for their activities. The “Wyoming Coyote Classic” and “Wyoming Best of the Best” contests are likely being held on public BLM land and I am concerned about the lack of federal oversight of these events.
It is inevitable that part of these contests will occur on BLM land due to the checkerboard pattern of lands in and around the Rock Springs area. Furthermore, the contest sponsors have not restricted the event to private land and we believe BLM lands have been used for these contests in the past.
Despite this, the sponsors have not applied for, and the BLM has not granted, a Special Recreation Permit (SRP), as would be required for these events to take place on federal lands. Special Recreation Permits are granted to ensure the protection of public resources that belong to all citizens of the U.S. These contests certainly have an impact on our natural resources and therefore promoters should be required to apply for a SRP.
Please contact the promoters of the Wyoming Coyote Classic and the Best of the Best, and inform them their contests cannot go forward, as they do not have the required SRP or required liability insurance.
Thank you.
BLM Rock Springs Office:
– Kimberlee Foster, Field Manager, kfoster@blm.gov
– Tim Wakefield, High Desert District Manager, timothy_wakefield@blm.gov
Wyoming BLM Office:
– Mary Jo Rugwell, State Director, mrugwell@blm.gov
– Buddy Green, Deputy State Director, Resource Policy & Management, bwgreen@blm.gov
– Larry Claypool, Acting Associate State Director, lclaypoo@blm.gov
– Noelle Glines-Bovio, Outdoor Recreation Planner, nglinesbovio@blm.gov
“Coyote on Fresh Snow” in Wyoming by Michael S. Cohen
Jana Hofeditz
Please enforce the regulations already in place in regards to Special Recreation Permit
These public lands belong to all of us. The motto of BLM IS CARETAKERS OF OUR LANDS.
TO RESPECT WILDLIFE. please honor the rules.
Nancy Smith
Please please please stop killing our beautiful wildlife for sport. We need to respect our wildlife and preserve it not brutally kill it. Please end the hunts on our animals and take pride in doing what is right by the wildlife and not what the hunters want. Thank you
Michelle Johnson
Please make changes necessary to allow the wildlife we have to live if we do not make changes now we will soon be without these wonderful living beings left with humans only. This unnecessary killing of as many animals as possible is just a thrill to kill for excitement or pleasure which is disturbing and completely unacceptable human behavior.
lael Bradshaw
This is not management,not based on science. It is a killing contest. Please listen to the people, they abhor killing contest.
Kevin Peters
Please stop the senseless slaughter of animals on public lands
Becky Wheasler
Please stop killing for sport. We almost killed off the bison please don’t kill off other wildlife. They have a right to be here otherwise God wouldn’t have put them on this earth. Native Americans lived in harmony with nature and we destroyed it. As the native american said when earth dies so will you.
jo collins
Wanted to holiday, in your country, mostly in the hope of seeing some of your wildlife, however, if you consider this to be good sport, I cannot spend my money there, as that would be supporting you, and I DONT,please consider this, while making your decisions, have you never heard of, wildlife tourism??…disappointed…from England.
Paula L Gossard
Gina piccolo
Leave all the wildlife alone they are here for a reason but you all want to destroy the world.
Carlos Rincón Mautner DVM, PhD
I invite you to consider that we are terrible managers of nature and that if we were less meddlesome, nature corrects itself. Why kill coyotes? What is the sport of killing sentient beings that we conveniently label undesirable?
Please step in to stop the madness.
Thank you,
Susan Prior
Please stop the sense slaughter of animals on public lands.
Erasmia Spyros
I ask politely that you take much consideration to the lives of these coyotes who do not deserve to die for the sake of some sport that people find cool. Its not cool! They deserve to live and feel safe!
Roberta Richardson
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Wyoming Untrapped
Thank you! We’ll make the correction. Thank you for your support!
Gynette Cathey
There is absolutely no reason to continue these “contests “. It has been proven repeatedly that apex predators enhance and strengthen ecosystems. Stop this unnecessary war on wildlife. The American people have spoken we want our wildlife and wilderness protected. Listen to science and the people.
Toni Encheff
Please do not kill coyotes or other wildlife for sport. This is cruel. Please honor the protections that are indicated in the current laws
diana mccrellias
Please do not allow the killing of these beautiful animals to happen…Why promote senseless destruction of our wildlife…