Apr 07 2022 Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act
Congress introduced the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act to stop the practice of rewarding hunters for killing animals on public land in contests that serve no legitimate wildlife-management purpose. -
Jan 30 2022 Rock Springs Group Protest to Ban Coyote Killing Contest
"My mission is to create justice to the predators in Wyoming and our country. Currently, there is no wrong-doing when a number of predators are killed including the coyote. My goal is to bring this sad topic into the public eye so we can make a change to predator laws." -
Oct 23 2021 Combat the Silence
"My mission is to create justice to the predators in Wyoming and our country. Currently, there is no wrong-doing when a number of predators are killed including the coyote. My goal is to bring this sad topic into the public eye so we can make a change to predator laws." -
Jul 02 2018 The Face of Trapping in Wyoming
Wyoming may be one of the most dangerous states in the nation for wildlife. -
Jun 11 2018 Coyote in the Crosshairs
During coyote hunting derbies, contestants vie to kill more coyotes than their competitors.