Another Dog Killed by Conibear Trap in New York
NEW YORK — The death of yet another dog in a trap has prompted the posting of signs marking town property, but new signs will still not warn the public to the presence of traps and snares.
“We do not allow hunting or trapping on town land,” said Supervisor Peter Barber. He added that the DEC sets rules about trapping, including how close to a property line a trap may be set. He said, “I know people can hunt right next to town parks.”
“But, as a result of this incident, [Guilderland Parks Superintendent Greg] Wier does plan to walk the parkland and the area around the water treatment plant with a surveyor, and return later to put up two-sided signs, every 100 feet or so, stating on one side, “Entering town property, no hunting or trapping,” and on the other, “Leaving town property.”
“Wier said that the real danger is not, in most cases, to dogs. I’d be more worried about a dog attacking a child than about a child getting caught in a trap.”
It’s disappointing that public officials do not consider the safety of pets a priority and will not post signs stating that trapping is occurring on park boundaries. Similar to New York, in Wyoming, dog owners have no way to know where traps are located. We are attempting to build a database of known trap locations, so if you see one, please note the location and type of trap and report it to WU at
Dog should’ve been on a leash if it was on town property.