Hawaii To Ban The Fur-Trade
01–24–2019: Senate Bill №1350, which seeks to outlaw the distribution and sale of fur products in the State of Hawaii, is officially introduced.
One day after the initial reading of Senate Bill №1350, Fur Free Society, Inc.—who has been working directly with the bill’s sponsor, Senator Mike Gabbard, since last year—released a statement publicly thanking the State of Hawaii and Senator Gabbard for officially introducing their new anti-fur trade bill to the state Senate.
Fur Free Society, Inc. would like to congratulate the State of Hawaii for introducing “A Bill For An Act Relating to Animal Fur Products” (S.B. №1350) to “prohibit the manufacture or sale of certain animal fur products in the State [of Hawaii]…” [NewsWire.com]
The language of the bill is plain, practical, and concise; and—more importantly—it is just.
The first page of the bill focuses largely on the history and inhumanity of the fur trade. It then goes on to note the dangerous chemicals and environmentally-damaging byproducts associated with the fur farming industry; a topic lectured on by Fur Free Society board member, Kimberly Moore, at the Oxford University School of Ethics.
Read full article by Douglas Balmain