Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Hay River Woman Speaks Out Over Trapping in Town After Dog Caught

HAY RIVER, CANADA — A dog was caught by a baited snare just feet from a popular walking trail. The snare tightened around the dog’s neck, but the owner was able to figure out how to loosen it to save the dog’s life.

“The dog’s owner did not wish to talk for fear of reprisal, but Bonnie Dawson is speaking for her. While Dawson believes in peoples’ right to trap [we noticed she is wearing a fur lined coat], she says it should be done away from people and their pets.”

“Doing it within town limits, close to people’s properties and public properties that are consistently used, personally I find that unacceptable,” she says.”

“In 2015, a dog was killed in Hay River within 50 metres of its home by an old trap.”

What does it say about the trapping community when people are afraid to stand up and speak out about their dog nearly losing it’s life because of a snare set too close to where dog walkers and children are? We need trap-free areas where people can recreate. These are our public lands too.

Read full article:  Hay River Woman Speaks Out Over Trapping in Town After Dog Caught

Photo:  Jimmy Thomson (CBC)


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