Lynx Spotted in Back Yard of Londonderry Home
For the first time in decades, a lynx has been spotted in Vermont. Lynx are often caught in traps set for bobcats and their numbers sharply declined for years until lynx no longer inhabited the state. With trapping season now underway in Vermont, this lynx will have many dangers to navigate in the coming months ahead. For these endangered animals to have a chance to repopulate, trapping will need to be restricted further.
“This was very exciting news for Vermont,” said Chris Bernier, a wildlife biologist for the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department who is in charge of lynx conservation. “The fact that this animal chose to travel such a long distance demonstrates why it is vitally important to maintain healthy and well-connected habitat in Vermont. We were thrilled to see the animal using a wildlife underpass that was created for the express purpose of allowing animals to pass safely under the road.”
Read full article: Lynx Spotted in Back Yard of Londonderry Home
Photo by Londenberry resident.