Michigan Pitbull Likely Trapped for Weeks
Full Article at MLive
[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left” text-color=”black”]Daisy Harwood, who lives in the 2100 block of St. Charles St. SW, south of Burton Street said she found the canine sprawled out on her porch this week with the metal body-gripping trap. She is concerned now for the safety of her grandchildren, wondering where the trap was set and if other traps are out in her area.
The trap that injured the pit bull is one that would typically be used for catching a mink or raccoon. It could cause serious injury to a child and even an adult, said Lisa LaPlante, communications director for Kent County.
Animal Control officers still are unsure of where the trap was set.[/mk_blockquote]