Rethinking Trapping and Public Lands
In a Huffington Post blog “Rethinking Trapping and Public Lands”, MT-based veterinarian Dr. Alan Applebury adds to the argument the devastating effects of trapping on our wildlife.
“When a bobcat’s leg gets caught in a steel-jaw leg hold trap, it immediately causes swelling, lacerations and bone fracture,” explains Applebury. “With trapping occurring during winter months, loss of circulation will cause the limb to freeze within several hours. The limb will then turn gangrenous.”
“During this time, the animal will twist and try to run, causing joint dislocation and damage further up the leg.”
“For those creatures who refuse to remain trapped, the bobcat will start gnawing at its leg. Once through the soft tissue, it will bite through its own bone until it snaps.
“For those creatures that do escape with a bloody, amputated limb, infection will occur soon after. If the animal doesn’t succumb to a predator from which it can no longer escape, it will likely die of sepsis within a week.”
“It may be worth considering,” concludes Applebury, “how we as a society demand executions of convicted murderers be done humanely. It’s troublesome that for innocent wildlife, when their slaughter is deemed necessary, society can’t extend that basic standard.”
Read full blog:…/rethinking-trapping-and-p_b…Please support Montanans for Trap-Free Public Lands I-177 Initative!
Photo by Melissa Groo, a bobcat with a missing foot. Thank you Melissa!