Three Questions About the Ethics of Wildlife Management
On the opening day of bobcat trapping and hunting season in Wyoming, WU continues to question the ethics of wildlife management in our state. Mark W. Anderson of Maine, also asks the questions which need to be answered in every state. It’s time to rewrite the mission of our wildlife management agencies to represent ALL of the public.
Bob Duchesne’s radio program on 92.9 The Ticket is a regular part of my Saturday morning routine. The show is informative, entertaining, and gets me thinking. The Saturday, November 9 show focused on the big game management planning process now underway at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IF&W). After listening to the show, I pondered three questions about wildlife management.
First, does the very idea of wildlife management mean that the ends justify the means when it comes to wildlife?
Second, does the fact that wildlife management agency primary funding comes from consumptive wildlife users, those who pay license fees, mean that the agency’s focus is enhancing opportunities for consumptive use?
Third, does management of wildlife make it less wild?
Read the full article to explore the answers.
Full article: