Two Rescue Dogs Trapped | Carter Mountain/Diamond Basin, WY
WYOMING ALERT – Trapping Incidents
CARTER MOUNTAIN in Diamond Basin
WU just received a trapping incident report on our website. We are sorry to report that two rescue dogs, Lupa and Jerry, were trapped in legholds on 11.29.17. The location is on BLM land outside of Cody, off Diamond Basin Rd, directly across from a new subdivision and RT 6. Dog owner, Doris Roesch, is a retired vet and has lived in Cody since 1987. where she currently owns several rescue dogs. The Diamond Basin area is a place where she can ride her horse and take her dogs along. But a local trapper continues to place traps in the area although the public is often using this popular trail.
Wyoming Game and Fish Warden Grant Gerharter, 307-899-1262, responded to Doris’s call, and visited the site with her. A search in the area showed two more illegal traps without identification. Illegal trapping should be treated as poaching with a thorough investigation and a call to the public for information leading to arrest.
Other dogs have been caught in traps and severely injured in Diamond Basin, and one dog, Diesel, was killed by a Conibear. See photo in the comments.
If you are in the area, please keep your dog on a leash, in voice command, or in sight. Although this will increase their safety, a leash won’t protect them from traps on or to the side of the trail.
Please know what to do if your dog is caught in a trap. Download our “Trap Safety for Dog Owners” brochure, read and carry proper release tools. You may safe your dog’s life.…/uploads/…/02/UntrapYourPet.pdf
This is a situation where an area should be off limits to trapping. If the general public is using that area, short of a ban, traps should be placed at a minimum of 300 feet off the trail.
Please share. If you have additional reports of pet trapping incidents, please notify WU for public alert, and to add to our dog trapping database. Thank you.
Visit our website Take Action page:
Call your Game Commissioners and politely and respectfully ask for trapping regulation reform.…/Game-and-Fish-Commiss…/Meet-the-Commissioners
Call your legislators and politely and respectfully ask for trapping regulation reform.…
Call the Wyoming Game and Fish Director:
Wyoming Game and Fish Department Office of the Director
5400 Bishop Boulevard
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82006
Ph: (307) 777-4600
Fax: (307) 777-4699
Share our Pet Trap Safety Brochure and Traps and Trails Don’t Mix Brochures:
Josh cambell
God bless America, home of the free! And with freedom comes choices. That trapper chooses to trap there yet after the first incident you chose to go back 2 more times. Now who is the inconsiderate one?
Wyoming Untrapped
These traps were illegal. The trapper should have been cited, fined, and all trapping and hunting privileges revoked permanently. This area should have 300 foot setbacks from public trails, or be designated as trap-free. It’s time to remove these steel contraptions off our public trails.