Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Pet Safety Trap Release Workshop in Cody September 16

Wyoming Untrapped is sponsoring a trap release workshop to show pet owners how to release some of the many traps that have been proliferating on public lands in recent years. The workshop is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16 at the Park County Public Library.

Dave Pauli, Senior Advisor of Wildlife Response and Policy for the Humane Society of the United States, will use his props of artificial stuffed animals, to demonstrate how to release a variety of traps, using specific tools or by improvising. Dave has traveled the world, giving workshops and rescuing a variety of animals.

Trapping in Wyoming has increased in recent years as pelt prices soared as a result of demand primarily from foreign markets. In a little more than 10 years, the number of trapping licenses issues by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department has doubled. This workshop is the last in a series beginning in Jackson and moving to Lander, Casper and Cody in September.

We continue to hear about incidents of pets caught in traps across the state. We have confirmed at least 21 incidents in which pets have been caught by traps in Wyoming since 2011. Some sustained serious injuries that required costly veterinary care. For every dog or cat caught, there are many more that go unreported. We encourage the public to report pet trapping incidents to Wyoming Untrapped by going to Trappers are allowed to place an unlimited number of traps almost anywhere on public lands, including on popular hiking trails. They are only required to check leg-hold traps every 72 hours, and they are not responsible for trapped pets.

Join us for this workshop to learn how to keep your pet safe and release your pet from a trap should the need ever arise.

Wyoming Untrapped is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation seeking ways to create a safer and more humane environment for pets, people and wildlife.

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