Northern Rockies Fisher One Step Closer to Endangered Species Protection
Fishers are one more step closer to federal protections under the Endangered Species Act. The Center for Biological Diversity has reached a settlement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service which will require the agency to make a determination of status for the Northern Rockies fisher by 2017. Trapping and loss of habitat are the main factors in their continued decline.
“Reported nontarget catch of fishers by individual fur-takers in Idaho from the 2010-2011 season through the 2014-2015 season have totaled 159 fishers, 66 of which have been killed. It is unknown how many fishers are incidentally trapped and killed in Montana each year, because the state does not maintain records of nontarget catch.”
With largely unregulated trapping on much of the public land in Wyoming, there is little doubt that populations of fishers have directly been impacted by trapping. Sightings are extremely rare and fishers may even be extirpated in Wyoming.
Full Press Release:
Photo: Mikael Males