Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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A Guide to Ending Wildlife Killing Contests


With November right around the corner, we will begin seeing wildlife killing contests held in Wyoming. The Humane Society of the U.S. has recently come out with a toolkit that you can use to help stop these events in your community or state. Take a look at the toolkit and learn what action you can take to stop these cruel blood sports.

HSUS Wildlife Killing Contests Toolkit

“I have hunted all of my adult life. Hunting is not a contest and it should never be a competitive activity about who can kill the most or the biggest animals. The supporters of these sorts of activities would no doubt claim to be great defenders of hunting, yet they go out of their way to publicly present the worst possible image of hunting. If we hunters don’t clean up our own act, someone else will do it for us and we won’t like the results, but when that time comes, and it surely will, these “hunters” will have only themselves to blame.”
Ted Chu, supervisor, Idaho Fish and Game

“As ranchers who know that livestock and wildlife can coexist, we feel it’s important to do what we can to help end this unnecessary war on wildlife. … It angers us when these contests are promoted as a way to help ranchers protect their livestock. The reality is, there is no noble purpose behind a killing contest.”
Keli Hendricks, rancher, member of Project Coyote Advisory Board

“The non-specific, indiscriminate killing methods used in this commercial and unrestricted coyote killing contest are not about hunting or sound land management. These contests are about personal profit, animal cruelty. … It is time to outlaw this highly destructive activity.”
Ray Powell, New Mexico Commissioner of State Landspossible image of hunting. If we hunters don’t clean up our own act, someone else will do it for us and we won’t like the results, but when that time comes, and it surely will, these “hunters” will have only themselves to blame.”
Ted Chu, supervisor, Idaho Fish and Game



  • Karen Bailey

    I find it hard to believe that in this day and age this is allowed to have killing contests.
    What the Sam hell is the matter with you people. This is wrong on every level.

  • Gina Crane

    These must be stopped. What a horrible event to do to any animals

  • Michelle

    Coyotes take care of themselves and help us with getting rid of mice and rats. These men who kill I feel are murderers and they only do this to make themselves feel superior.

  • Christine Courtley

    Blood sports are not hunting, not a sport! To see some leave the bodies just left to decay is a sin against nature! This is not 200 years ago when people hunted for food, to make clothing or shelter, this conditions no longer exist!To make a contest out of killing them is murder, killing just to kill is morally wrong and evil!

  • Ceanne Alvine

    Please end hunting contests forever. A sin against nature. Blood sport. Enough!

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