Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Old Bill’s Fun Run Community Fundraiser, Sept 10, 2016, Jackson Wyoming

Not only will our pets benefit from trapping reform, but so will our wildlife which are some of the most persecuted in the nation.

We are giving every effort to break through the archaic trapping status quo in our state; to remove traps off our public trails, to reform 13 day trap checks and the unlimited trapping of almost every furbearer. Every animal in Wyoming, domestic or wild, can be indiscriminately trapped and become a victim to these steel devices. We want more transparency and accountability, to know how many of these non-reported animals are trapped and if they survive their injuries. Only with your support can we break down these walls. We are grateful for any donation in volunteer time, dollars, and social media.

Please consider donating to WyomingUntrapped through our Old Bill’s Fun Run annual community fundraiser!

Click here:, and your donation will be matched ~ 50% up to $30K.

Thank you Mr and Mrs. Old Bill, all the generous donors, and to the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole. Wildlife wins, and so do we all!


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