Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Trap Release Workshop in Dubois, Wyoming May 2

Wyoming Untrapped will host a pet safety trap release workshop in Dubois at the Boys and Girls Club on May 2 at 6:30pm.  Registration is required.  Email Melanie Oard at or call 307.455.2625.  Dave Pauli, Senior Advisor of Wildlife Response and Policy for the Humane Society of the United States, will demonstrate how to release pets from a variety of traps, using specific tools or by improvising using items such as dog leashes.  Mr. Pauli has traveled the world, giving workshops and rescuing a variety of animals.

You may not be aware, but there are thousands of traps and snares on our public lands in Wyoming.  There is a trapping season for furbearing animals including pine marten, bobcats, mink, muskrat, weasel, and beavers, which extends from October 1 to April 30 each year.  However, traps and snares can be set out for predators such as coyotes, red foxes, porcupine, raccoons, and skunks year-round on almost any type of land in Wyoming.  The public trails and lands that you recreate on can have traps and snares present at all times of the year.  Wyoming Untrapped is a non-profit organization based in Jackson that is aiming to create a safe and humane environment for people, pets and wildlife through education and trapping regulation reform.  One of our main goals is to educate people who are recreating on public trails about the dangers that are present to people and pets in the form of traps and snares.

We continue to hear about incidents of pets caught in traps across the state. We have confirmed at least 21 reported incidents in which pets have been caught by traps in Wyoming since 2011.  Some pets sustained serious injuries that required costly veterinary care.  With no required reporting in Wyoming, we suspect that there have been many more non-documented cases involving household pets.

A properly set trap is very difficult to see and many of them are baited, which will draw your pet to it.  There is no regulation that prohibits the placement of a trap on a trail.  There is no limit to how many traps can be placed by each trapper.  There are also very few limits on how many furbearing animals can be trapped each year.  Trappers are not required to report what they trap, how many animals they trap or any non-target animals, such as dogs, that are trapped.  If you see a trap, trapped animal or if you have a pet that is caught by a trap, please contact us.  Visit to submit your encounter, email us at, or call us at 307-201-2422.

Trappers are allowed to place an unlimited number of traps almost anywhere on public lands, including on popular, heavily used hiking trails. They are only required to check leg-hold traps every 72 hours, conibear traps and snares every 13 days and they are not responsible for trapped pets.  Join us for this workshop to learn how to keep your pet safe and release your pet from a trap should the need ever arise.

This workshop is being sponsored by the Central Wyoming College Outreach Center in Dubois, the Western Fremont County Humane Society, and the Humane Society of the U.S.


  • Michael Whitcomb

    Will you offer a Jackson training session?

    • Wyoming Untrapped

      Hi Michael,
      We have offered training sessions in JH for the last three years, as well as Cody, Casper, and Lander. We were recently invited to Dubois and Pinedale. We plan future Jackson workshops on a regular schedule. Thanks for your interest.

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