Mar 24 2015 Steps Forward for Setbacks
If you have been following Wyoming Untrapped's work lately, you know that we are making real progress toward the implementation of furbearer trapping setbacks along some trails in Teton County. What would that look like for Teton County? Take a look- we now have a map detailing all of those trails, as well as our requested closure of the Greater Snow King Recreation Area. -
Mar 09 2015 Reflections on Tracks, Traps, and Trails
Wyoming Untrapped hosted an event at the Center for the Arts last Tuesday, March 3rd. -
Mar 03 2015 Art Event in Jackson Explores Issue of Wildlife Trapping
The group, Wyoming Untrapped, has commissioned an internationally renowned environmental artist to show the value of free-roaming wild animals such as bob cats and coyotes that traditionally are some of trapper’s favorite targets. -
Mar 01 2015 Dog Trapping Incident: Kobe and Nani | Fremont Canyon
Two dogs were each caught in adjacent snares while walking on public land. Both dogs were rescued but were shaken up with residual coughing.