Oct 26 2021 New research shows that water, not shade, is a critical component to staving off heat exhaustion in moose
"It may also mean a greater focus on restoring creatures like beavers into riparian areas to expand wetlands", Knox said. -
Oct 23 2021 Combat the Silence
"My mission is to create justice to the predators in Wyoming and our country. Currently, there is no wrong-doing when a number of predators are killed including the coyote. My goal is to bring this sad topic into the public eye so we can make a change to predator laws." -
Oct 20 2021 Dog caught in snare near West Table Boat Ramp, WY
A dog was caught in an illegal snare near West Table Boat Ramp. The trapper was cited for illegal snaring, but the snare was given back to the trapper! The dog is uninjured. -
Oct 08 2021 Las Cruces Group Launches National Campaign “Wildlife For All”
“But to date, wildlife governance in North America has consistently failed to be democratic, scientific and inclusive of diverse values for wildlife, including the intrinsic value of individual lives. We’re going to change that.” -
Oct 08 2021 Researchers push for a national program to help people coexist with predators
Researchers are proposing a predator coexistence program to help ranchers coexist with carnivores like the gray wolf.
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