Mar 29 2021 In Montana, Bears and Wolves Become Part of the Culture Wars
“It’s bar talk replacing biology,” said Ed Bangs, a wildlife biologist who is now retired U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s wolf recovery project. I believe in professionalism and vetting with science; this is based on bar talk.” -
Mar 26 2021 Gianforte defends FWP violation as ‘slight misstep,’ killing Yellowstone wolf was ‘honor’
Montana Governor Gianforte received only a written warning from FWP in February after trapping and killing a collared black wolf that had wandered out of Yellowstone National Park called Max, “1155.” The full details have not been disclosed. -
Mar 20 2021 Staying Vigilant – Wolf Trapping History 2012 – 2021, What’s Next?
What does the future look like for Wyoming wolves? -
Mar 09 2021 As researchers clone ferrets, Wyo scientists emphasize habitat
For Bob Oakleaf, Game and Fish’s nongame supervisor in the early 1980s when black-footed ferrets were rediscovered, everything that could help ferrets matters.