Jul 30 2019 Legal Action Forces the Curb of Killing of California Beavers
The federal wildlife-killing program known as Wildlife Services has agreed to stop shooting and trapping California beavers on more than 11,000 miles of river and 4 million acres of land where the killing could hurt endangered wildlife. -
Jul 25 2019 Beaver Trapping Rules Tweaked for Jackson Hole Streams
Watersheds in red were restricted to a single beaver trapper, but have been totally closed to the pursuit. Stream drainages in yellow were once limited to a single trapper, but will open this fall to any trapper with a general license. -
Jul 11 2019 Last Take Action: Wyoming Beavers Under Fire! (Teton and Lincoln Counties)
Wyoming beavers are under fire! It's your chance to speak out to protect and preserve these "eco-engineers" on a landscape in critical need of wetland ecosystems. -
Jul 10 2019 Last Take Action: Wyoming Wolves
Wyoming wolf numbers are down to the fewest animals counted since the Wyoming Game and Fish Department took over management and initiated hunting seven years ago. Please, take action and comment! -
Jul 10 2019 Last Take Action: Bobcats
Western Wyoming bobcats are in critical need of a time-out from constant trapping and persecution. Get informed, and take-action!