Feb 28 2016 Dog Trapping Incident in Dubois, Wyoming
A 9 year old cocker spaniel was caught in a leghold trap near Dubois, Wyoming. -
Feb 20 2016 Wolverines Act Like ‘Smash-and-Grab Burglar’ at Bait Sites in Developed Areas
Wolverines in the Canadian Rockies often act more relaxed in protected areas. -
Feb 17 2016 A Winter Search for the Missing Lynx
A 2 million-acre survey has found no northwest Wyoming lynx — so far. -
Feb 15 2016 Bald Eagle Being Rehabbed at Red Wolf Sanctuary After Rescue From Trap
"Emmy" unable to eat, fly, or survive on her own. -
Feb 10 2016 Fur Prices Are Down!
North American Fur Auctions just completed its first major fur auction, and results confirmed our predictions of a very poor market. Lack of buyer demand from China and Russia made it difficult for most items to sell at all.
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