Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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Yearly Archives

  • Trap Release Workshops 2022

    Trap Release Workshops are back, offered in three Wyoming towns starting 9/29/22. What you learn may save your pet's life. This year's workshops will be held in Laramie, Pinedale, and Jackson.
  • GIVEAWAY – UNtrapped Pack

    The UNtrapped pack, all the tools to ensure you are prepared for any trap-related injuries or incidents while recreating with your family and pets. Don't miss your chance to win one of these life-saving packs!
  • Beavers Are Finally Getting the Rebrand They Deserve

    In recent years there’s been a growing body of peer-reviewed evidence hyping the utility of beavers. “They improve water quality, they create salmon habitat, they store water in the case of a drought, and they help mitigate flooding after really intensive rainfall,” Goldfarb says. That science is finally trickling down to policymakers and journalists. Beavers, you might say, are having a moment.