Dec 27 2016 Fur Prices Remain Low, Meaning Most People Trapping for “Fun”
Fur prices remain low making trapping a difficult way to make a living. -
Oct 01 2016 Furbearer Trapping Season Opens Oct 1, 2016 in Wyoming
Be extra vigilant for traps set out on public lands at the opening of furbearer trapping season in Wyoming. -
Dec 05 2015 A Furry Predator Returns To the Wilds of Washington
Fishers, eliminated from Washington by the mid-1950s through over-trapping, were released into the wild on Dec. 3, 2015. -
Oct 14 2015 Have You Seen an American Marten?
Have you seen an American Marten? It's furbearer trapping season in Wyoming, with unlimited quotas on these little weasels. This beautiful marten, photo by Tim Auer, was captured by camera in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, a safe haven from trapping. Read on for fascinating details.... -
Apr 15 2014 Least Weasels Rare in Wyoming
LEAST WEASELS: State law lists the "weasel" as a furbearer. Three weasel species exist in Wyoming: long-tailed weasel, short-tailed weasel (ermine) and least weasel. The least weasel is very small and its fur has negligible value. The species is quite rare and little is known concerning distribution. Trappers are asked to make every attempt to avoid trapping the least weasel. The Wyoming Fish and Game Department requests that unintentional trapping of a least weasel be reported to the Nongame Section in an effort to preserve the specimen for scientific use. TRAPS ARE INDISCRIMINATE!