Trapping Reform in Wyoming

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March 2025

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  • Effort to ban trapping near Wyoming trails gains ground but dies ‘in the drawer’

    A trapping reform effort over a decade in the making gained more traction in Cheyenne this session than ever before, but was held up "in the drawer". Senate File 139, sponsored by Sen. Dan Dockstader, R-Afton, would have given the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission the authority to establish trap-free zones on public lands, which trapping reform advocates say is necessary to protect pets accompanying their recreating owners. “At some point, with the increased use of the outdoors, we’re going to have more encounters and more conflicts,” Dockstader said of his rationale for proposing regulations. The topic has been submitted for possible review by the Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources interim committee for the summer. We hope to see this bill introduced in the 2026 Legislative Session.