Jun 28 2016 Los Angeles Animal Services Department Recommends No Trapping
Los Angeles Animal Services Department is recommending no trapping and killing of coyotes, recognizing that people are often the problem, not coyotes. If a metropolis like L.A. can do it,… Continue reading
Jul 28 2015 Social Compassion in Legislation (SCIL) Launches ‘Ban the Trap’ Billboard Campaign to End Bobcat Trapping
Social Compassion in Legislation (SCIL), a California nonprofit organization devoted to providing solutions for animal welfare and protection issues, today announced a 'Ban The Trap' billboard and social media campaign in support of an upcoming vote by the California Fish & Game Commission on August 5, 2015 that would prohibit bobcat trapping state-wide. -
Apr 09 2014 Animal Traps That Grip or Snare are Banned in L.A. as “Inhumane”
"The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to ban traps that snare or grip coyotes, bears, foxes and other animals in the city, deeming such traps inhumane. Under the new rules, commercial trappers cannot use traps that grip or snare any part of the animal, with the exception of traps set for rats, mice and other small rodents. Angelenos are banned from using any trap “that maims or causes the inhumane death or suffering of any animal,” the rules state." Photo:(Lawrence K. Ho / Los Angeles Times / January 5, 2011)