May 01 2022 Wolf hunt altered behavior in normally wild packs
A recent spate of wolf killings just outside of YNP has altered fundamental aspects of the canines’ behavior, and threatened the foundations of one of the most storied wildlife research efforts in American history, according to park scientists. -
Aug 25 2021 Swift fox populations growing in Wyoming
“Maybe there are things that we didn’t know about them because they were eliminated before we even studied them.” -
Apr 29 2021 In Jackson Hole, commissioners peer into wildlife tourism
Game and Fish embraces new initiative to benefit wildlife with watchers’ dollars. “It really was an opportunity to share with the wildlife decision-makers of the state the experiences that draw millions of visitors here annually,” Colligan said. “The vast majority of those people who come here to visit and enjoy wildlife don’t buy hunting and fishing licenses, and so they’re a constituent who goes unnoticed for the department.” -
May 19 2017 Fox Injured in Leghold Trap Could Not be Saved
A little fox, dragging around a leghold trap, had to be euthanized due to a badly damaged and infected leg.